<span style=中文:當感情出現阻礙,你會選擇轉身離去還是勇敢面對?
When there arises obstacles in the relationship, would you choose to evade or face it? 
This series of books leave us a lot of room to fancy. For instance, in the first book when Bella met Edward, I cannot help wondering if there's any real vampire in the world, who looks as handsome as he is.
In the second one, Edward didn't want to hurt  Bella, so he  left.
In the fourth one, Bella was pregnant with their child, who got the mixed blood of human  and vampire.
The books are light-hearted and coherent, and readers would be deeply caught into this fantasy world and follow through the ups and downs the two main characters go through. Under the author's abound  imagination, the story line is very dramatic, and readers can never get enough of it.
It is teeming with surprises, adventures and romance, so we want to use this series as our reference to thrash out those issues surrounding the real relationship in the reality.

As for my opinions about this book, all i can say is that it sucks. Why would two handsome guys spontaneously fall for one girl? Though I don't think they really that cute.  I probably like more about its fan fiction-Fifty Shades of Gray. That's all

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