其實你應該是算錯字數了, 你這篇文章不到500個單字. 1400應該是字元數,比如說 <br>pollution 有9個字元, 但是只算一個字. 如果你要的是500字元數, 以下改好的剛好500字元(不含空白):<br>The children are susceptible to air pollution because their lungs are still developing and not strong enough to fight against the exhaust. The elderly are vulnerable to air pollution and can't compensate for many diseases. The Chinese government should make regulations on clean air quality and gasoline emission standards. In fact, it is rather difficult to avoid pollution because of the rapid growth of business environment in China. The most effective way to deal with this problem is to educate people to use permanent apparatuses instead of the disposable to reduce the amount of wastes.<br>      </p>
      <div class= 參考資料 自己 Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔            </div>
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