Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔<a href=Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔
Oral stage: Birth - 18 months (approx.)<br /><br>Physical focus: mouth, lips tongue (sucking). Sucking is the primary source of pleasure for a newborn. Everything goes in the mouth. Sucking  = food.<br /><br><br /><br>Anal Stage: 18 months - 3.5 years (approx.)<br /><br>Physical focus: anus (elimination). Until now the baby has had it pretty easy. Now baby is supposed to control bowels. Freud believed baby’s sexual pleasure centred around the anus at this time.<br /><br><br /><br>Phallic Stage: 3.5 - 6 years (approx.)<br /><br>Physical focus: penis. Freud believed that boys and girls both focussed on the penis. Children become particularly interested in playing with their genitals at this stage.      </p>
      <div class= 參考資料 Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔<a href=Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔            </div>
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