Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔<a href=Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔
God afternoon(morning ),My principle ,my  teachers and my classmates <br><br>I am so glad that I have the chance to stand on the stage , facing you guys for a speech.<br><br>Today i am going to talk about  Smart- phone;<br><br>The Smart- phone is not only popular in Taiwan but also in the entire world.<br>Smart phone make our life more convenient in many ways:<br>First of all, We can talk to our friends whenever we want instead of meeting thethem. We can record every beautiful moment in our life by taking pictures and <br>keep those gorgeous memory with ourselves. We can listen to music whenever we have time and relax our mind in order to keep the flexibility in our life. <br>Also, we can search for answers online by cellphone when we have questions.<br><br><br>Secondly, the invent of smartphone offer human extra entertainments.<br> We can play games by our smart phone anywhere,<br>send messages,and even watch movies <br>But I think that the most important function of smartphone is to let us be<br> in touch with our families .<br>By the way, it's also important for people to have a cellphone always carried <br>along for emergency.<br><br>All in all, cellphone is really useful to human's life.<br>However, if we use smart phone without being respect to other people around <br>us, we are going to be extremely annoying to others. On of the example is to <br>speak too loudly on the phone and disturbs other people.<br>Therefore, no matter when and where we are, we should always have the phone etiquette with us, make ourself  and others a good life! <br><br>Smart phone is really awesome!<br>      </p>
      <div class= 參考資料 myself. i was studying in american school! Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔<a href=Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔            </div>
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