Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔<a href=Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔
Dear. ******<br><br>Hello, I am ****<br><br>In fact, I was not on the Sherlock Holmes story completely understood,<br><br>But since reading ** (album name) ** album, you and your story was completely fascinated acting, so I became Moore Holmes fans of it! Immediately bought a set of the original term.<br><br>After successively read your works of other performances, also saw many different faces you every time you look at all deeply attracted to superb acting,<br><br>Not only on television, on the stage you more shining, although only in Taiwan on the Internet to find some clips of the video, but it's a stunning enough!<br><br>I also like the privately for you, always so natural and good, and a little simple? I'm sorry, but too interesting incident neutron cream so cute ah ~ how you XD<br><br>Now you should be very full program now, just in the second half was much better works to be released, there is next year filming ** (movie name) ** is good to look forward to!<br><br>But I hope you spend more, can be a lot to take care of their body Oh, be careful do not let yourself tired, smoke ... smoke less XD Oh ..<br><br>There do not know when you see this text, birthday is not over, anyway, or tell you say happy birthday ~ ^ ^<br><br>Perhaps you have heard this phrase many times it ~ but I still say you really are a very great actor! Which is sincere.<br><br>Although very slim hope, but hope you will have the opportunity to come to Taiwan, there is a lot to like and support you in ** (fans name) ** Oh!<br>We will also continue its efforts to let more people know your refueling ~ ^ ^ look forward to your more works!<br><br><br><br>It is able to bring luck "colored line" five colors each of which has different meanings, can be used as bracelets or anklets or carry the hope that it brings you good luck and protection ^ ^<br>      </p>
    <a href=Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔<a href=Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔包,Lv購物包,Lv水桶包,Lv批發,名牌瘋名牌購物Lv,Gucci,Lv包包,Lv錢夾,Lv手錶,Lv目錄,Gucci公仔            </div>
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