1. The math question was so confusing that I had no idea how to solve it.<br>那題數學題令人感到困惑,困惑到我都不知道怎麼解了<br>2. It was very embarrassing to trip on the stairs while walking on the stage.<br>要走到舞台上時被階梯絆倒很尷尬<br>3. I had always been excited about visiting new countries.<br>我一直對於參觀其他國家很感興趣<br>4. My parents were worried about my little sister who had a high fever.<br>我的家長對於妹妹發高燒很擔心<br>5. I was surprised to see my favorite star on the way home.<br>我在回家路上看到我最喜愛的明星感到很驚訝<br>6. I have always been interested in cooking.<br>我一直對於烹飪很感興趣<br>7. I am scared of cockroaches.<br>我畏懼蟑螂<br>8. I feel satisfied to live in a happy family.<br>我對於居住在一個幸福的家庭感到滿足<br>      </p>
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